In english

Dream Team Cheerleaders is a Tampere-based competitive cheerleading club that offers the opportunity to practice both sub-disciplines of cheerleading; cheerleading and cheer dance, in girls and mixed teams. Competitive cheerleading is a spectacular, energetic and versatile team sport.

The club has over 450 members and all teams are divided according to skill and age level. More than 40 trained coaches are responsible for the club’s sports coaching. In addition, versatile and high-quality coaching has been complemented by external physics and acrobatics coaches.

In Dream Team, the main focus is on competitive sports, so the teams actively participate in the federation’s competitions throughout the year. Athlete paths are planned so that everyone participates in a team of their own level and rises to higher levels as skills increase. The club offers recreational opportunities from beginners and amateurs to top sports.

The aim of the club is to develop children’s and young people’s interaction skills, to offer high-quality and diverse sports activities at beginner, hobby and competitive levels, and to promote the integration of athletic lifestyles into everyday life. The club also invests in a sense of community, an encouraging and positive atmosphere – everyone is part of the cat family!

Dream Team is a member of the Finnish Cheerleading Federation SCL, which supervises and develops the sport within Finland. In addition, the club is a member of Hämeen Liikunta ja Urheilu ry and Tampere Sports Promotion Foundation.


Do you want to sign up and join our club? Go here: